Exchange & Returns

Although our hope is that you are completely satisfied with your order, we do understand there may be times where you wish to return an item. We therefore offer a 14 day return policy, however please keep in mind:

* To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition that you received it, unworn or unused, with tags, and in its original packaging. We will not accept any returns that do not meet these requirements.
* We will not accept returns or exchanges that have been washed or altered in any way, and all merchandise must be free of stains.
* You are responsible for any return shipping fees.
* We suggest sending your return in with a trusted courier service who will provide you with a tracking number, as we are not responsible for any lost or stolen packages.
* We are unable to accept any returns after 14 days.

Once we have received your return item, we will notify you via email. Please allow 5-7 business days for your return to be processed. Please keep in mind that once the return has been processed, depending on your bank, funds may take anywhere from 7 to 10 business days to drop into your account. All returns are subject to inspection and we do have the right to refuse your refund if your return does not meet any of the above requirements.

If you wish to exchange an item, the fastest and easiest way to do this is to return the item that you have (please ensure this return meets all eligibility requirements listed above), and once the return is accepted, make a separate purchase for the new item.
Need help with a return or exchange? Email us at
International orders are eligible for return. If you wish to make an international return, please keep in mind:
* All items must meet above listed eligibility requirements.
* You are responsible for any international return shipping fees incurred.
* Please ensure the item/s are returned within the 14 day return period.
* Please ensure your return is sent with a trusted courier service who will provide you with a tracking number, as we are not responsible for any lost or stolen packages.